AOA Orthopedic Specialists Blog

Stay Healthy and Injury-Free Playing Pickleball

AOA Orthopedic Specialists Team
Stay Healthy and Injury-Free Playing Pickleball

Pickleball has become one of the fastest-growing sports in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, attracting players of all ages with its combination of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong elements. While it’s a fun and engaging way to stay active, like any sport, pickleball...

What is the new technology for hip replacement 2024?

AOA Orthopedic Specialists Team
What is the new technology for hip replacement 2024?

You’ve probably heard about all the crazy new medical tech that’s coming soon, but have you wondered how your future hip replacement might be different? With life expectancies rising, joint replacements are becoming more and more common. Hip surgery has...

What Are the Advantages of Hip Arthroscopy?

AOA Orthopedic Specialists Team
What Are the Advantages of Hip Arthroscopy?

Have you been suffering from chronic hip pain that just won’t go away? You’ve tried rest, physical therapy, medication, but nothing seems to provide lasting relief. It might be time to think about hip arthroscopy. This minimally invasive procedure can...

5 Ways to Prevent Hand Ligament Injury in the Workplace

AOA Orthopedic Specialists Team
5 Ways to Prevent Hand Ligament Injury in the Workplace

You use your hands for just about everything, from typing away at work to cooking dinner at home. Your hands are complex tools made up of muscles, tendons, and ligaments working together -and they’re easy to injure if you’re not careful. A hand ligament...

How Painful Is Recovery From Hip Surgery

AOA Orthopedic Specialists Team
How Painful Is Recovery From Hip Surgery

Regaining movement after hip surgery can be a life-changing experience that also relieves chronic pain. On the other hand, the healing process is frequently difficult and filled with unpleasantries. It’s critical to know what to anticipate during the...

What I Wish I Knew Before Foot Surgery?

AOA Orthopedic Specialists Team
What I Wish I Knew Before Foot Surgery?

As a patient considering foot surgery, you may experience feelings of fear and excitement. What are emotions? What are they? Despite the challenges of surgery knowledge can offer comfort. It can help reduce anxiety and simplify the process. Many patients wish they had...

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