AOA Orthopedic Specialists Blog

Thumb Arthritis

Joseph Lucas
Thumb Arthritis

What It Is Thumb arthritis occurs in the joint at the base of the thumb and is a common type of osteoarthritis caused by natural wear and tear of the joint. Thumb arthritis is common with aging and occurs when cartilage wears away from the ends of the bones that form...

What To Do About Plantar Fasciitis

Joseph Lucas
What To Do About Plantar Fasciitis

    Plantar Fasciits  We all lead busy lives and foot pain is no joke and can make a tough day even tougher. If you wake up, step out of bed, and you are greeted with a stabbing pain in your heel that gets milder over the day as you begin to use your foot,...

Muscle sprain Vs. Strain

Joseph Lucas
Muscle sprain Vs. Strain

What is the difference between a muscle sprain and a strain? A sprain is an injury to a ligament, the tough, fibrous tissue that connects bones to other bone. Ligament injuries involve a stretching or a tearing of this tissue. A strain is an injury to either a muscle...

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