Bicep Tendon Rupture

What is the Bicep Tendon?

Biceps TendonitisThe Bicep tendon is the connective tissue that connects the biceps muscles to the bones.  The proximal side of the tendon attaches to the shoulder, and the distal ends of the tendon attach to the forearm bones.  Tendons are important connective tissues that connect bones to muscles allowing us to perform complex movements.  Any time a tendon is damaged movement of the effected limb is going to be painful with some ranges of motion not being possible.

Proximal Bicep Tendon

The proximal biceps tendon splits into two sections call the long head and the short head Long head bicep tendon.  Both heads of the tendon attach the biceps muscle to the shoulder.

Long head bicep tendon

The long head of the bicep tendon connects to the glenoid socket located on the shoulder bone called the scapula.

Short head bicep tendon

The short head of the proximal bicep tendon also attaches to the scapula, but on location called the coracoid process.

Distal Bicep Tendon

The distal bicep tendon attaches the bicep muscle to the forearm.  There is a small bump called the radial tuberosity near the elbow on the radius bone in which the tendon attaches.

Bicep Tendon Tear

Bicep tendons can tear partially or on any of the three connection points.  They can partially tear or completely tear.  Tendons can also become frayed over time from repetitive injury to the tissues.  This fraying can weaken the tendon and lead to a larger tear over time.  Tears of the Proximal bicep tendon are less serious because there are two heads and the bicep can still function with one.  The Long head tears more frequently then then short head.  Distal bicep tendon tears are very rare but require surgical correction.   Bicep tendons tear when a large amount of force is applied to a bent arm with the bicep flexed.  This time of force is applied when people catch a large falling object, such as a person who tripped, or lifting too much weight than the tendon can handle.

Bicep Tendon Tear? Book a Orthopedic Surgeon near you today! 817-375-5200


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