Digital X-Ray


Digital x-ray imaging uses digital x-ray sensors instead of traditional photographic film. The advantages of these sensors include time efficiency through bypassing chemical processing and the ability to digitally transfer and enhance images. Additionally, less radiation can be used to produce an image of similar contrast to conventional radiography. 

There are numerous projections and positions used to obtain x-rays of all different body parts. Some x-rays, particularly knees in older patients, will be taken while standing in order to show the physician what your knees look like while you are in this position.


What to Expect

You can save time by coming to your appointment prepared. Depending on the area of interest, you may be asked to change into a gown or shorts to eliminate metals such as zippers, snaps, and buttons from the picture. Any jewelry in the area of interest may also be removed ahead of time.

Cell phones, pagers, and other electronics are not harmed by the x-ray and are completely safe in the room.

If there is any possibility that a female patient is pregnant, she must inform the technologist and the x-rays will be postponed to a later date when the patient is confident that she is not pregnant.

If you are scheduling an appointment to obtain a second opinion, all of your previous x-rays, MRI films, and other scans pertaining to the area of interest should be brought to your appointment.

Arrange for the transfer of these films by calling the appropriate facility where the films were ordered (primary care physician, another orthopedist, etc.).

Allow up to 2 weeks for the x-rays to be transferred to our facility.

The previous exams will aide your physician and possibly prevent the need for additional x-rays.

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