AOA Orthopedic Specialists Blog

Joseph Kay, M.D.

Joseph Lucas
Joseph Kay, M.D.

Joseph H. Kay Jr., M.D. Dr. Joseph Kay practices Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. He graduated from Ross University School of Medicine in 1991 and completed his Residency at the University of Texas Health System.  Dr. Kay has been proudly servicing North Texas...

Todd Daniels, M.D.

Joseph Lucas
Todd Daniels, M.D.

M. Todd Daniels, M.D. Originally from Keller, Dr. M. Todd Daniels is a board-certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician, specializing in musculoskeletal medicine and electro-diagnostics.  Dr. Daniels received his Doctor of Medicine and internship in...

James W. Burnett, M.D.

Joseph Lucas
James W. Burnett, M.D.

James Burnett, M.D. Originating from Lodi, California, Dr. James Burnett now specializes in Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine at AOA Orthopedic Specialists and sits as the current Board President of the Organization. Dr. Burnett completed Medical School in 1996...

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